The climb starts after crossing Clear Creek on Fish Lake Road. There is one major road intersection but it is pretty clear to follow the main road and signs up to Fish Lake. There is a slight downhill near the top, but this isn't the end of the true climb. After the road wraps around the mountain with views of Hell's Canyon and the Wallowa's, then turns back East, you will have a bit more climbing before it tops out shortly before Fish Lake. The roadwork a few years ago have made this a very nice gravel road all the way to the top, so you can ignore the signs about "Not recommended for passenger cars and RVs." But then again, that won't matter because you'll be on your cross or mountain bike. It's a beautiful climb.
If you're still eager for more climbing, continue past Fish Lake and up the road to Russel Mountain Lookout. At 7500 ft, this would add another 1,000 feet of climbing with a brutal finish.
This climb starts just north of Halfway on Fish Lake Rd.