Great footbridge in the middle of a poorly maintained and rarely traveled trail. The bridge looks brand new and very time-intensive to build and much needed in the early summer, but too bad a fraction of the cost couldn't have been put into trail maintenance. It is a weird bridge in that if you need this bridge, you also need a bridge across the Minam, of which there is none. There are two ford options but these will only be doable in the late summer. Otherwise, you have to come down the trail from above, either from Moss Springs, Red's Horse Ranch, or Rock Springs Trail.
The lower end of the trail starts near where the Little Minam comes into the big. It is a nice flat meadow where some old cabins exist, that have fallen into disrepair. A little ways past the cabins the Rock Springs Trail comes into this trail. A little farther up is the bridge, which I very much appreciate being there. Let's build around that, because the trail is a nice meander along the river climbing up to the Backbone Ridge where it connects with the Red's Horse Ranch Trail.