4 trails matches your filters

Twin Lakes Trail 1874

4.6 mi

The route shown here is a strenuous hike or good trail run, shown here as a connection between Indian Crossing Campground to Twin Lakes Campground on either end. This is a steep trail climbing from the Imnaha River to Twin Lakes. The route starts up the South Fork Imnaha Trail 1816 and fording the...

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Deadman Trail #1869 - Southern Wallowas, Halfway, Oregon

6.2 mi
Mountain Bike

This eclectic trail provides raw backcountry travel through cow pies, burnt timber, weeds, and sporadically disappearing trail all the way down to the Imnaha River, where you may have some difficulty getting across. That would be extremely disappointing if the flow is too high, because I'm not sure...

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Norway Trail to Blue Creek Saddle - Cornucopia, Oregon

1.9 mi

This high mountain trail takes a while to melt off, but when it finally does it reveals a nice side hill route above the chasm of Norway Basin. It is a rather beautiful spot to enjoy and doesn't seem much use because of it's difficulty to get too. It starts at an old miners road that rarely sees a...

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South Fork Imnaha Trail #1816 - Wallowa Mountains, Oregon

6.7 mi

This trail offers a nice stroll up the Imnaha River with plenty of side attractions along the way. Big salmon can be found floating way up in the river, having made the end of the final run from the ocean. There are also plenty of other steelhead and big fish that make it up to Blue Hole and Imnaha...

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