4 trails matches your filters

Bench Canyon Trail 1937

2.9 mi

You'll love to hate this trail, but it does put you at a couple nice lakes and the opportunity to make a loop if you go over the top. What you'll hate is how brutally rough and steep this trail is. It looks short and easy on the map, but it destroys hikers, and also contains signs saying not...

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Catherine Creek State Park Trail

2.2 mi

This short trail is well build and interesting for a trail run or taking the family on a hike. It switches back steeply to gain a ridge for a loop that includes a couple rock outcropping overlooks. The dense forest and serene crossings of Catherine Creek, make this a fantastic summer hike. The state...

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Cartwheel Ridge Trail #1907 - Wallowa Mountains, Cove, Oregon

4.4 mi

Cartwheel Ridge is a meandering trail along a subtle ridge that follows an old road, hence probably the trail name. The double ruts are still visible for most of the trip. It is a nice route from Lodgepole Trail that takes you by two other trails before starting to open up with expansive views and...

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North Fork Catherine Creek Trail #1905 - Wallowa Mountains, Union, Oregon

13.9 mi

On a quality scale of awesome to crap, this trail covers the entire range from start to finish, in that order. The trail follows North Fork Catherine all the way to it's start and then goes up over a saddle on Meadow Mountain and painfully works its way down to Rock Creek and follows that down to...

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